Meet Your ESOP Partners at Ventura Trust

A Minnesota Chartered Trust Company

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Our Strategic Vision

To be the most service-oriented and people-oriented ESOP Trustee.

How we do it

Unparalleled Service + Commitment To Employee Ownership

Decades of ESOP Experience

Ventura client range ESOP services Minneapolis

Our clients range in enterprise value from $4 million to $381 million

We have ongoing clients in over 30 states

  • Leading dozens of ESOP transactions annually

  • Specializing in large and complex clients

  • Serving over 150 ESOP plans per year


The Ventura Difference

  • Best talent nationally

  • Business viewpoint for all clients

  • Peer reviews offer an extra measure of professionalism

  • Team approach to every client engagement

  • Exceptional client information management

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It takes a team you trust

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